Author Workshop was held in collaboration with De Gruyter Publishing House and İstanbul University’s Central Library…
The workshop started with the opening speeches of Dr.Pervin Bezirci Head of Central Library, the presentation of De Gruyter Publishing House and its current situation was presented by Deniz Can Kurt, Country Manager, in a presentation titled Global Global Scientific Publisher: De Gruyter ‘s development as a publisher was mentioned.
In the second part of the workshop , dedicated to a user-friendly guide on how to write a good article, the coordinator of the publication, Dr. Irmina Fortunato gave information about how to prepare a manuscript for publication in a scientific journal and why the manuscript should be published at De Gruyter.
In the last section, a presentation named “Sent, Accepted, Published ” was presented by Chief Editor Dr. Katarzyna Grzegorek who explained the different steps in the publishing process.
The workshop ended with answering questions from the participants. İstanbul University’s Central Library workshops and seminars are expected to continue in collaboration with publishing experts to support academic studies.