General Director of the Austrian State Archives visits Rare Books Library.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and T.C. at the invitation of Chairman of the Presidential State Archives came to Turkey on 1-4 May 2019 Austrian State Archives General Director Wolfgang Maderthaner and his wife on May 2, 2019, Yildiz Technical Üniversie II. Prof. Dr. Abdulhamid Research and Application Center Director Dr. Melek Özyetgin and accompanied by the General Directorate of State Archives Protocol and Public Relations Branch Eyüp Aşık visited Rare Works Library of the İstanbul University.
During the visit, a reading room with the furniture of the Yıldız Palace Library in the Rare Works Library, Museum Room, Restoration and Conservation Workshop,Abdulhamid II. Photo Albums Room and Digitalization Unit were visited, information was given about the works and the visit was completed after goodwill talks on cooperation.