İU Central Library, Cambridge University MELcom International Conference ...

The thirty-ninth Annual International Conference.of MELcom (Middle East Libraries Committee), held every year in a different country, was held at Cambridge University in 2017.

The program, which includes topics covered in English and French presentations, is available at http://www.melcominternational.org/wp-content/content/docs/MI_2017_Conference_Programme_WEB_FINAL%20VERSION_2.pdf.

İstanbul University Central Library participated in a three-person meeting, which was held on July 3-5  2017 and was attended by about 100 people from 22 countries. On the third day of the meeting,   Director of İstanbul University Central Library, Dr. Pervin Bezirci   emphasized  in her presentation "Libraries During Sultan Abdülhamid II's Era and İstanbul University's Yıldız Palace Collection". Presenting information on the collection of İU's Rare Books Library. Dr. Bezieci talked about the completed and ongoing projects.

Cooperation was also established , where different professional groups (historians, academics, librarians, etc.) from different countries in  the world laid the foundations for exchanging information on various other topics.

İU The Central Library team has conducted several detailed and hands-on observations  at the Cambridge University's Central Library and some Faculty Libraries, as well as the London British Library.