Sultan Abdülhamid II Photo Albums Project has commenced
İstanbul University Library and Documentation Department houses Sultan Abdulhamid II Yıldız Photo Collection, one of the world's richest visual archives consisting of 36,585 photos in 911 albums.
Sultan Abdülhamid II. Yıldız Photography Collection is one of the world's largest visual archives of the 19th century and is an important cultural heritage not only for our country but also for the world over. They bear witnesses to the regimes, social and political upheavals of the period in various countries of the world they were taken. This valuable collection has been digitized and used by the President of the Republic of Turkey and with the cooperation of the General Secretariat of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (National Palaces) in order to ensure that users can access both the meta data of the photographs and the photo contents in a prompt and secure manner Abdülhamid II Photo Albums "project work has been initiated.
Deputy Secretary General of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Prof. Yasin YILDIZ and Rector Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK visited the library and exhibition prepared for them in order to gain insight on the project and all the projects carried out in Nadir Eser Library on site.
We wish the project would be beneficial to all researchers and the scientific world.