"Journal Publishing with World Scientific" Webinar-18 Aralık 2020

Akademik dergilerde yayın yapmak isteyen akademisyen ve lisansüstü öğrencilere yönelik hazırlanan "Journal Publishing with World Scientific" adlı bu web seminerinde, makale yayımlatırken dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar ele alınacaktır. Dergi seçmekten, öz oluşturmaya, sık yapılan hatalardan, editör ve hakemlerin beklentilerine, birçok konuya değinilecektir. 


"Journal Publishing with World Scientific"


Konuşmacı: Dr. Ng Yan Hong


Tarih: 18 Aralık 2020, Cuma

Saat: 11:00


Kayıt için lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantıyı tıklayın:



Dr. Ng Yan Hong

Editor, World Scientific Publishing

Subject Head of Computer Science, Engineering and Environmental Science; overseeing the development and management of the Journal Team at WSPC. Prior to return to Singapore, he was lecturer at Imperial College, London. He obtained his PhD in Computer Architecture, his research interests are in Machine Learning, Decision Support Systems, and Evidence-based Medicine.


World Scientific Publishing (WSP)

World Scientific Publishing was established in 1981 with only five employees in a tiny office. Today, the company employs 200 staff at its headquarters in Singapore and 450 globally. It has offices in New Jersey, London, Munich, Geneva, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chennai. In three decades, it has established itself as one of the leading academic and professional publishers in the world. WSP, publishes in an excess of 600 new titles a year and more than 140 journals in various fields. World Scientific has published more than 12,000 titles. Many of its books are recommended texts adopted by renowned institutions such as Harvard University, the California Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Princeton University. The company has collaborated with many Nobel laureates in producing best-selling books since the 1980s. Many serve as our editorial advisors and book series editors, while others have contributed articles and research papers to our journals.